Graphic Designer / Web Designer / Artist

I grew up in a small town in Argentina called Rio Cuarto. When I finished high school I moved to Buenos Aires where I studied Textile Design and Fine Arts.

In December of 2000, I moved to Chicago and found my community in the local  Art World. There I started creating a personal body of work, which led to several shows and opportunities.

Professionally, I worked as a curator for the Freeark Gallery. I taught drawing and painting for children at the Riverside Arts Center, and I also organized and instructed figure-drawing sessions for adults.

In 2005, I enrolled at DePaul University where I continued my education in fine arts through their graphic design program. After receiving my BA, I joined Heartbase, Inc as a Graphic Designer where I led design projects in support of the company’s medical technology products.

In 2012, I moved to Miami where I joined Letca Films, a video production company that specializes in advertising for the Hispanic market in the U.S. and Latin America. In the 5+ years I was with Letca, I led or collaborated on projects including: Print, Web, Logo Design, Video Editing, Art Direction, Script Writing. I really enjoy all these different ways of being creative.

Presently I am a part of the Hogarth World Wide Family where I freelance as a Screen Builder and as a Print Production Artist.

I have also helped a variety of freelance clients creating branding identities, websites, and collateral materials.

I believe in the functional balance between art and design.
I believe that design projects find their strength within their limitations.

I want to continue to expand my body of work.
I want to continue exploring with different clients and industries.

I’m an artist who’s never missed a deadline.